"We Are The League" lyrics - BENEDICTION
They are the League
Another boring night and I am feeling pissed
My head is fucked up and I am in a mess
Too many drugs, they make me high
I want to 'cause havoc, I want to die
They are the League, and they are the extra man
They are the League and they are the anti-band
And do not you say you are feeling bored
The League are here and they are scorned
We are the League The Anti-Nowhere League
You criticise them, you say they are shit
But they are up here and they are doing it
So do not you criticise the things they do
No fucker pays to go and see you
They are the League and they are mad
They are the League and the music is bad
Fuck-up noise like you have never known
They will make you wish you had stayed at home
We are the League The Anti-Nowhere League
But They ain't no dogs, they ain't no man
They hate the things they do not understand
A time for love, but that ain't class
If you do not fucking like it stuff it up your arse
They are the League and they are mean
They are the League and they are obscene
Don't give a toss what you think
And all your views they fucking stink
We are the League The Anti-Nowhere League
And don't fuck with the League!