"Look, It's Baseball" lyrics - GUIDED BY VOICES
"Look, It's Baseball"
Took a journey backwards to a revelation I cannot describe
And I must admit it was worthwhile
And it made you smile - it's that extra mile
When we drove home you slept all the way
Right through the explosion display
Another fine outing, pointing and shouting
"Look, it's baseball"
Tonics & Twisted Chasers (1996)
- Satellite
- Dayton, Ohio - 19 Something And 5
- Is She Ever?
- My Thoughts Are A Gas
- Knock 'Em Flyin'
- The Top Chick's Silver Chord
- The Key Losers
- Ha Ha Man
- Wingtip Repair
- At The Farms
- Unbated Vicar Of Scorched Earth
- Optional Bases Opposed
- Look, It's Baseball
- Maxwell Jump
- The Stir-Crazy Pornographer
- 158 Years Of Beautiful Sex
- Universal Nurse Finger
- Sadness Is To End
- Reptilian Beauty Secrets
- Long As The Block Is Black
- Jellyfish Reflector
- The Kite Surfer
- Girl From The Sun
- The Candyland Riots