"When I'm President" lyrics - IAN HUNTER & THE RANT BAND
Well mother, I'm a stranger in a strange land
Feel like an alien
It's like I'm on the outside looking in
I don't seem to fit in
Maybe I'm Aladdin with a rusty lamp
A genie never stood a chance
To make all our wishes come true
Well, here's what I want to do
I'm going to lean on the one percent
When I'm president
I want a twenty-eighth amendment
When I'm president
Like thieves on the holy road
Digging up the mother lode
Like pirates on the open sea
Like highway robbery
Still whining about your bonus
Man up you're ridiculous
You know you can't take it with you
So, give a little extra
I'm going to lean on the one percent
When I'm president
No more bargains in the basement
When I'm president
Washington, Jefferson
Watch out baby because here I come
Abraham, Theodore
You're going to see my ugly mug on Mount Rushmore, yeah
You go in with the right intent
When you become president
You hold those truths to be self-evident
When you become president
But something happens to you up on the Hill
There's business as usual
How do you want to buck the system
Welcome to the pit and the pendulum
I'm going to lean on the one percent
When I'm president
No more twenty-eighth amendment
When I'm president
No more bargains in the basement
When I'm president
Everything's going to be different
When I'm president
Veto this yeah
Veto that yeah
When I'm president
I'll stick it to the fat cats
Cross my heart
Hope to die
When I'm president
Pigs are going to fly
Look at 'em