"Closing Theme" lyrics - JAN HAMMER
"Closing Theme"
Lyrics for "Closing Theme" by JAN HAMMER are not available yet
Police Quest 3 (The Kindred Soundtrack) (2006)
- Main Title Theme
- Introduction
- Patrolling
- En Route To The Scene Of The Crime
- Aspen Falls Incident
- In Pursuit
- Orpheus Hanley (The Speeder)
- Juan Ruiz (Slow Impeding)
- Joseph Hoss (The Drunk)
- Marie's Assault
- The Ambulance
- Lytton General Hospital (Marie In Coma)
- Oak Tree Mall Investigation
- Marie's Music Box
- The Warehouse
- The Murder Scene (300 W. Rose)
- Psychiatrist's Office
- Old Nugget Saloon
- Steve Rocklin Highway Pursuit
- Crash Scene
- Mr. Stumps (The Janitor)
- Women's Locker Room
- The Coroner's Office
- Marie Is Well!
- Fire On West Peach
- The Crack House
- Crack House Interior
- Closing Theme