"Three Gates (Live)" lyrics - KHEMMIS
I awake in a perfect hell, genus ex nihilo
This shell filled with another man's paradise
Holds only a whisper of my past life
I'm trapped between worlds, a dream within a dream
Draw me a picture, a still frame in your mind
That records all the pieces left inside of me
Know my beginnings, the trials that life brings
Or wash away my ashes in the sea
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come?
The one of a life taken by a man wearing my flesh
Three gates to hell before me
The sea, the sky, my mind
With this key, a blade, release me
|: These skies hold no salvation
No peace lies beneath the dust
Where is the answer?
A distant voice repeating
The final gate is calling out to me
The choice is easy
Awaken from my sleep
Or wash away my ashes in the sea
Cleanse me in the tides of the sea