"Gee Strings" lyrics - THE ORB

"Gee Strings"
(Thomas Fehlmann / Dr. Alex Paterson)

Guess I'll read a magazine...
"How to be an efficient executive"
Have to read that sometime
Oh, what a car
And there's a beautiful girl leaning all over it
New kind of paint
I'd be great not to have to paint the house every other year
And there's a beautiful girl holding a paintbrush
"A vacation trip to Hawaii"
And there's a beautiful girl holding a ticket
You can sure see what draws a guy to look at these ads
Nothing man has made, God made girls
'Course, man has given them the big sex symbol image
But God made the initial form - quite a design...

I have to think about that the next time I'm watching a girl
Not to take the fun out of it
It will just make girl watching mean more
You know?