"7RAIN (Filter)" lyrics - FRONT 242
When I was banging at your door
When I was crawling on your floor
When I came back and shouted louder
When I came back and shouted louder
I needed help and called your name
I waited long and no one came
Am I getting grey?
Separated ties
Separate these binds
Did I get insane
From the role I've played?
And the waiting's over
What a quietning day
I'm already fine
I've been breathing sighs
Of the big divine
Am I getting grey?
When I was banging at your door
When I was crawling on your floor
When I came back and shouted louder
When I came back and shouted louder
Am I getting grey?
Separate these lives
Separate these binds
Did I get insane
From the role I play?
And the waiting's over
I've a quiet today
I'm already fine
I've been breathing sighs
Of the big divine
When I came back and shouted louder
When I came back and shouted louder
When I came back and shouted louder
When I came back and shouted louder
Like a sailor falling overboard
I will navigate without you
Driven by the storms, guided by the moon
Pulse (2003)
- Seq666 (P)
- Seq666 (U)
- Seq666 (L)
- Seq666 (S)
- Seq666 (E)
- Together
- Triple X Girlfriend
- No More No More
- Beyond The Scale Of Comprehension
- Song (Untitled)
- Song (Starcandy)
- One (With The Fire)
- One (Reverse)
- Matrix (Openstatic)
- Matrix (Megahertz)
- Never Lost (Faust)
- Never Lost (Riley)
- 7RAIN (Filter)
- Pan (DHE)
- Pan (MIHK)